In the drawing toolbar, draw the initial rectangle, enter the command, do the operation, draw the line and move it down, draw the corner coordinates, the rectangle door is drawn.
Dell G3
This page is taken from experience without authorization
Enter a command and click the Offset button in the Modify toolbar to offset the rectangle drawn in the previous step. Command: -offset Current Settings: Remove source = No layer = source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0 Specify the offset distance or (by T/ remove E/ layer L) : 60 Select the object to be offset, or (exit E/ abandon U) : (select the above rectangle) specify a point on the side to be offset, or (exit E/ multiple M/ abandon U) : (Select the inside of the rectangle) Select the object to be offset, or (exit E/ abandon U) :
Draw a line Click the "Line" button in the "Drawing" toolbar, and then draw a line whose endpoint coordinates are (60,2000) and (@780, 0).
Offset the line drawn to the bottom Click the Offset button in the Modify toolbar to offset the line drawn in the previous step to the bottom, the offset distance is 60, OK, the offset is complete.
Draw a rectangle with corner coordinates Click the "Rectangle" button in the "Drawing" toolbar to draw rectangles with corner coordinates of (200,1500) and (700,1800). After the rectangle is drawn, the single door is drawn and the drawing is complete.