Tomato to do is a very, very good time management software, can effectively geography our time, one of the study room is also a major feature, the following small series tells how to use this study room, I hope you can get help from.
Tomato to do
First, after we go into the tomato to do, click on "Mine" below.
Then we can easily see that there is a "study room" here, we click on it.
After entering, we can see here "Create study room" and "Join study room".
Create study room: After you click Create study room, we set up these information, click the checkmark on the top right, so that our study room can be created successfully.
This page is based on experience
Global ranking: We can find that others have a global ranking here, and the people who are ranked first here have a very high concentration time, which is the real excellent students.
I wish you all can be a real excellent student.